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7 days ago: I'd Like To Thank The Platform

I surprised my Silly Billy with Penne a la Arrabiata last night. I guess the wine I’d served got him all chatty, but at least he makes sense now. Yesterday’s WILLTalk was on Cultural lag―the gap between our cultural values & practices and our tech. When he told me that we’d figured out how to edit genes and clone people as far back as 1998, I was like *yawn* whatevs.

But then he made it real. Like, really real. It would be like coding and designing a person, he said, like we do for our online avatars, and then 3D printing them organically.

And I was like Whoa...

It was hard to keep up with Will over dinner, but now that I’ve looked it all up from the recording (I’ve begun recording our conversations and looking stuff up afterwards), it’s really got me trippin.

Why are we so afraid of change?

Mutation is actually how evolution happens in the first place. And you gotta give it to the Dalai Lama. He’s still the only leader of a world religion who’s totes #ForTransHumanism.

And then Billy went off on religion. (Blew his load, is more like it) How religion is nothing but society’s gamification of its morality. AND mortality. Getting to Heaven is like getting the top score?


I’m probably going to rot in hell just for blogging this. Billy ended it all on a nice note, tho. #DanteWasWrong #FrancisOfAssisiLives

Maybe I should write to Caleb about all this, he’ll be able to relate. All he used to do was play DotA. Or was it Age of Empires? Or was it GTA? Dayumnnn… Rep++ yo. I think it’s all coming together in my head now.

Anyhoo, too bad I can’t tell him about the counsellor and the baby she’s popping out of thin air. Stupid Big-Chief-Do-Nothing and his blonde gag order. Something this cray and less than 20 of us know. 

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